on vtools/68kmla

SE/30 DiiMO extra - decoration

In a previous post I wrote about the DiiMO-clone card that I’d managed to get hold of to make my SE/30 noticeably faster. I mentioned that other cards at the time came from DayStar, which you can usually find these days when fitted to second-hand machines by a sticker on the front to advertise the fact that an accelerator card had been fitted.

Well, I wanted a sticker to show off too.

Of course, the original cards are very rare, and if they came with a case sticker (which I’m not sure if they even did), that would be even rarer. So, the obvious thing to do was to make my own.

I found the artwork on Google, and a 68kmla friend on IRC kindly made it into a svg (vector graphic) for me. I ended up using a company here in the UK called Stickershop, as they were the only one I found who could make a matt-finish ‘thick’ sticker in such a small size, I specified 25mm by 15mm so it would be subtle when attached to the machine.

DiiMO sticker

Strangely, I ordered 11 stickers, and received 122. I’ve sent the remaining 121 of them to the guy in Germany who made the card, so he can potentially provide a sticker if he decides to manufacture any more.

DiiMO stickers

That’s it for this update, got many things to work on and write about coming up.